Star Wars lightsabers

lightsaberStar Wars lightsabers are an iconic weapon that characterizes the Jedi and can be used in several ways. These weapons are elegant and powerful and can cut through walls and enemies. They can also deflect and reflect blaster bolts. In addition, Jedi can use their lightsaber to avoid being hit by an incoming blaster, allowing them to escape unscathed.

The Star Wars series has made the lightsaber one of the most iconic science fiction weapons ever. It is so iconic that the reenactment of a lightsaber battle has become an age-old tradition. The original lightsaber, which Luke Skywalker uses, was made from a vintage 1930s Graflex camera flash gun. However, unlike the Star Wars lightsabers we see today, these weapons do not fire energy beams outside the television screen.

Kyber crystals

Kyber crystals are small crystals found in the light sabres of Jedi and Sith. These crystals can change the colour of the blade. They come in many colours, including red, blue, green, yellow, and white. These crystals are also rare and highly sought after by collectors.

They can be found at Savi’s Workshop. These crystals come in seven different colours and can be used to customize the look and feel of your lightsaber. They can also be used to create custom hilts. For example, the Dominant Elemental Nature hilt is unique. These hilts can be purchased in Savi’s Workshop, but they’re rare.


The lightsaber is a two-handed weapon designed for battle. Its design is similar to that of a heavy sword or greatsword, but it is held differently than the traditional sword. George Lucas once explained that the two-handed nature of the lightsaber stems from the amount of energy required to swing it. In the Star Wars universe, the lightsaber is the weapon Luke Skywalker first encounters.

Despite its origins in Star Wars, this weapon had many influences. First, it was inspired by multiple sci-fi works, including a 1933 issue of Magic Carpet Magazine featuring a story by Edmond Hamilton. The same year, Fritz Leiber’s novel Gather, Darkness! Featured warrior-priests with force-field blades and plasma-based lightsabers.


In the Star Wars universe, lightsaber colours have many different meanings. Some are associated with personalities, while others are associated with factions. Colours can also represent clothing preferences. However, the most famous meaning of lightsaber colours is the weapon itself. These weapons have the same basic design but have many different meanings depending on their colour and design.

The most common colours used for lightsabers are green and blue. Green lightsabers represent water and earth, while blue is the colour of heroes. However, George Lucas and Samuel L. Jackson introduced the idea of a purple lightsaber. The purple lightsaber represents moral ambiguity, uncertainty, and reconstruction. It is said that those who wield a purple lightsaber tend to regret choosing the dark side.


One of the most effective weapons used by the Jedi is the lightsaber. It is elegant and powerful and can cut through enemies and blast doors. It can also deflect and reflect blaster bolts. This allows the Jedi to anticipate when an enemy may use their weapon. This makes the lightsaber a great tool for Jedi training.

The colours of lightsabers can vary. Some have more significance than others. For example, someone not skilled in using the Force may use a bronze lightsaber. On the other hand, a rose lightsaber might be used by someone who favours negotiation over confrontation. Even though the Star Wars universe has expanded its canon, the original colours of the lightsaber still have meaning. Therefore, the original colours will have to be considered if a new lightsaber is developed.

Origin of purple lightsaber

The purple lightsaber is not a new idea in Star Wars. It was commissioned by George Lucas and is a mixture of Jedi Blue and Sith Red, representing equal affinity with the Force. But it was not until recently that it gained recognition and was featured in several novels and films, including The Clone Wars, Purple Lightsaber, and the forthcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

A lightsaber is a powerful weapon that allows you to use both sides of the Force to overcome your opponent. For example, Mace Windu, a Jedi with the Force, uses the purple lightsaber. He uses the light side most of the time but can switch to the dark side when he feels it is necessary. This gives him an advantage over most opponents, including Palpatine. The purple lightsaber he uses was designed for him when he became a senior member of the Jedi council. It has an electrum finish and is more accurate and stronger than other lightsabers.