Caravans need regular maintenance to ensure they are in good condition. It can help to avoid larger problems and make your caravan more comfortable for your holiday away from home.

After a long period of storage or transit, caravan fittings and hinges can seize or become stiff. A little bit of cleaning and a sparing application of lubrication can often help to remedy this.


caravan repair AdelaideThe caravanning lifestyle is great, but it’s also a significant investment that must be properly maintained. That’s why completing an annual caravan repair Adelaide and safety check is important. These checks can help identify and fix minor problems that might be overlooked and could lead to larger, more expensive issues.

While modern caravans can withstand a lot of wear and tear, they are still vulnerable to some common faults. One of the most serious is the development of leaks. Leaks typically start around windows and seams in the walls and can be detected by carefully monitoring moisture levels with a cheap meter.

Caravan wheels can take a beating while being towed and driven on and off the road. They need to be inspected regularly for signs of perishing, and the tyres should always be inflated and the air pressure checked.


Caravans are flimsy houses on wheels, designed and built to be light so they can be towed. The thin aluminium sheets and wood frames are prone to damage, especially if not cared for properly. However, they aren’t as brittle as cars, so a lot can be done to prevent serious problems from arising.

Taking the time to keep up with caravan maintenance is key, which will help you save money in the long run. It is also a good idea to carry a few basic tools when travelling to deal with small repairs quickly and easily.

For example, if you have disc brakes, it is wise to check them regularly for deep grooves, large scratches or burn marks. This can signify that the brake rotors must be turned or resurfaced rather than replaced entirely. Similarly, you should regularly check your caravan’s wiring for any breaks or frayed edges. If you spot a problem, take it to a caravan repair Adelaide service as soon as possible. This will allow them to fix it before it becomes a more serious issue.


Caravan lights aren’t just important for safety and help you enjoy the sights on your holiday. It’s worth investing in bright, well-positioned exterior caravan lights that can disperse light broadly and avoid glare. You’ll also want to invest in good interior caravan lighting, too. This includes a dimmer switch to adjust the lighting to suit your mood and reduce power usage.

It’s not uncommon for dents and scratches to occur in a caravan that has been stored away for a while. Fortunately, these can usually be smoothed out with sanding and specialist resin. You can use a paint repair kit to match the colour and blend in with the surrounding surface for deep scratches.


The electrical wiring in a caravan or campervan is critical for allowing you to power your appliances and enjoy the comforts of home on the road. Keeping fuses and wires in good condition is important to avoid electrical problems.

Using the correct fuse sizes is vital. A fuse will “blow” if there is too much current in a circuit, stopping it before a serious problem occurs. Fuses prevent overheating and fires by limiting the electricity passing through a circuit. Caravans typically use fuses in combination with breakers (which trip rather than blow and can be reset).


If you are a caravan owner, keeping the heating in good working order is crucial. Caravans are small spaces and can become humid if there is insufficient airflow. Moisture can breed mould, ruining carpets, upholstery cushions and other materials. Invest in moisture-absorbing crystals or de-humidifiers to clear condensation from damp spaces.

Another important job in caravan repair Adelaide is regularly wiping down the double-glazed windows. This prevents unsightly condensation and can ruin your caravan’s interior. Keeping the window seals clean is also good so they do not perish.

Keeping your caravan tidy is vital in maintaining its value and preventing pests from damaging the vehicle. It is a good idea to empty the caravan of rubbish and food before storing it. This will help to keep the caravan clean and also prevent mould and mildew from developing in the caravan during storage.